Weaver Deer Ridge Leather Dog Collar Brown Leather 1″ x 19″

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Deer Ridge, the ultimate in canine comfort! Constructed of single-ply harness leather. Leashes are also fully lined with soft, supple deerskin for the handler’s comfort.


  • Constructed with precise and evenly stitched thread, which coordinates with the deerskin.
  • Collars feature non-rust solid brass buckle and brass plated d-ring and rivets.
  • Leashes feature non-rust solid brass swivel snap and brass plated rivets.
  • Sunset harness leather with saddle tan deerskin

Item Details:

  • Dimensions: 1″ x 19″
  • Color: Brown Leather

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Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 4 in