Tactical Quick Release Heavy Duty Panic Snap Adjustable Dog Leash

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Beast-Master Quick Release Panic Snap Leashes are useful because, unlike swivels or carabiners and similar fittings, they can be disconnected under load, as the panic snap is specially built so that the latching mechanism is separate from the load-bearing structure. The lead that connects to the dog collar and disconnects from the panic snap can be adjusted between 12 and 18 inches. Overall length when fully extended is 44″. The leash is constructed with 1 inch wide heavy weight weaved nylon webbing.
Key Features:
Panic Snap allows for one handed release of pet while under load.
Service Dog Quality
Adjustable Leash Lead
Lifetime Warranty
Made in The USA
Product UPC:
Manufacturer Warranty:
One Year

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Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 3 in