RPI Aqua Buddy Automatic Float Waterer 2 quart Silver / Black 11″ x 10″ x 5.5″

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The Aqua Buddy 2 quart waterer is just the right size for the home. The Aqua Buddy uses an internal float and valve system. When your pet drinks and the water level drops, the valve opens and replenishes the water supply. As the bowl refills, the float rises and closes the valve. This simple but effective system will not overflow, and no training is required for your pet to use it. Connects to any garden hose to provide consistent fresh water for your pets. Ideal for cats, dogs, and other outside animals.


  • 2 quart bowl
  • Rust-proof
  • Sun-resistant
  • Healthy Pet Choice Veterinarian Approved
  • Can be easily cleaned
  • Maintains consistent water level
  • Will not overflow

Item Details:

  • Dimensions: 11″ x 10″ x 5.5″
  • Color: Silver / Black

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Additional information

Weight 11 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 12 in