Richell Elegant Wooden Pet Feeder Large Dark Brown 23.8″ x 13.4″ x 15.4″

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This aids digestion by encouraging your pet to maintain a healthy posture while eating, while also allowing your pet to eat in style. Not all Pet Feeders are created equal. This feeder is designed with both elegance and functionality in mind. It will compliment your home’s décor versus being an eyesore. The handcrafted, durable wood construction is enhanced by a beautiful and elegant dark brown finish. It features two large, supremely crafted stainless steel bowls, and two wooden doors with solid stainless steel knobs that cover the convenient storage cabinet which helps organize toys, treats, leashes and much more!


  • Includes two stainless steel bowls 9.4″ in diameter x 2.8″ Capacity 2.3 qt.
  • Made of durable all wood construction with a beautiful dark brown finish
  • Elevated feeding bowls for a comfortable eating position
  • Organize toys, treats, leashes and more in the convenient storage cabinet

Item Details:

  • Size: Large
  • Dimensions: 23.8″ x 13.4″ x 15.4″
  • Color: Dark Brown

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Additional information

Weight 39 lbs
Dimensions 25.4 × 17.5 × 14.2 in