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Richell Convertible Elite Freestanding Pet Gate 6-Panel Cherry Brown 135.8″ x 29.1″ x 31.5″

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The gate includes a door panel to help you pass through the opening with ease without having to move the entire gate. Each panel locks in place at 90 and 180-degrees to provide extra stability with specially designed caps. For pen form, Wire Top and Floor Tray are sold separately. Specially designed cap locks panels in place at 90⁰ and 180⁰ angles for extra stability. Lockable gate door allows easy movement from room to room. Beautiful hardwood construction. Easy to assemble. If necessary, 2 sets of the gates can be combined for a larger space. General Product Information: DO NOT move panels while caps are on to avoid product damage. Recommended for small- medium dogs 8.8 to 44 lbs. (4-20kg).


  • Room Divider Dimensions: 135.8 x 29.1 x 31.5″
  • Freestanding Gate Dimensions: 130-134 x 31.7-33.7 x 31.5″
  • Pen Dimensions: 68.9 x 31.9 x 31.5″
  • Panel size: 31.5/33.5 x 0.8 x 31.5″
  • Door Opening: 25.6 inches wide
  • 1.125″ space between wire slats
  • Wire is 7 Gauge or 0.144″

Item Details:

  • Dimensions: 135.8″ x 29.1″ x 31.5″
  • Color: Cherry Brown

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