Midwest QuietTime Defender Covella Dog Crate Cover Brown 24″ x 18″ x 19″

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The cover creates an especially restful, properly ventilated environment for sleep at night or while you’re away. And it’s truly easy to use – just slip it over the top of the crate. Door access is unrestricted, whether the crate has one, two, or three doors; whether the doors are on the ends or the sides. The cover won’t prevent you from sliding your crate’s plastic slideout pan in or out for cleaning, either.


  • Provide the privacy, security, and comfort dogs instinctively need and desire
  • Easily slip over MidWest Pet Crates
  • Hook-and-loop tabs hold covers neatly in place
  • Covers allow access to crate doors, whether there are one, two, or three of them; whether they’re end or side doors
  • Durable 100% polyester fabric is washer and dryer safe

Item Details:

  • Dimensions: 24″ x 18″ x 19″
  • Color: Brown

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Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 9 × 4 in