Midwest Nation Accessory Kit 1 Teal / Purple

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The Nation Accessory Kit 1 by MidWest Homes for Pets is the perfect way to spoil your Ferret or other small (Rat, Chinchilla) animal pet with comfort and fun!


  • Ferret Nation Accessory Kit 1, kit for small animals includes 2 Shelf Covers, 1 Hammock Hideaway
  • Compatible with all Ferret Nation and Critter Nation Double / Triple Unit Habitats (models 182, 183, 162, 163). Cage is not included.
  • Accessories are easy to remove from Ferret / small animal cage, machine washable and dryer friendly
  • Comfortable and attractive Ferret accessories in a polyester microsuede material in purple and teal colors

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Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 10.5 × 7.5 × 5 in