Midwest Feline Nuvo Salvador Cat Furniture Mushroom 22″ x 17.75″ x 30.75″

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When researching cats’ behavior, MidWest Homes for Pets discovered that cats simply can’t have too many play options. So we’re proud to offer the sturdy Feline Nuvo Cat Furniture in a variety of models, distinctive right off the bat for their ultra-soft faux fur designer print fabrics. The Feline Nuvo Cat Furniture was created to provide not only for your cat’s play, but also to accommodate every aspect of his lifestyle. The plush, dark fabrics and rich faux fur make for great feline lounging, while sisal-wrapped supports provide a tough, resilient scratching post that’s sure to keep your cat satisfied. You’ll be satisfied too, when you see how easily our fabrics can be wiped clean of cat fur.


  • Multi-tier design
  • Whimsical base
  • Sisal scratching post
  • Fun lounging lookout

Item Details:

  • Dimensions: 22″ x 17.75″ x 30.75″
  • Color: Mushroom

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Additional information

Weight 32 lbs
Dimensions 20.25 × 18.5 × 13.75 in