Midwest Dog Single Door i-Crate Black 18″ x 12″ x 14″

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The dog crate comes to you equipped with every feature you can think of: a composite plastic pan for easy cleanup in the event of an accident; plastic carrying handle to move the dog crate from one location to another comfortably; safe and secure slide bolt latches for the safety and security of the pet inside and the furniture on the outside; and most importantly a FREE divider panel for use while your puppy is still growing up.


  • No tools required for assembly
  • Fold and carry configuration with two ABS plastic handles
  • Divider panel and composite plastic pan included
  • Safe and secure slide bolt latch
  • Rounded corners for pets protection

Item Details:

  • Dimensions: 18″ x 12″ x 14″
  • Color: Black

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Additional information

Weight 9 lbs
Dimensions 19.25 × 12.8 × 3.75 in