Kittywalk Clubhouse Striped 24″ x 18″ x 24″

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The Kittywalk Clubhouse is adaptable to any Kittywalk pet enclosure unit and sets up in seconds. The signature striped water-resistant canvas protects against the elements keeping cat litter dry. A litter box is NOT included.


  • Made from Heavy duty weather resistant canvas fabric
  • Easily attaches to any Kittywalk Systems component for cats; this is not a stand alone item.
  • Open-ends and a zipper side give easy access to you and your cat.
  • Side PVC window for a Kitty’s eye view of the world and curtains on each end protects litter pan (not included) or bed from elements
  • Lightweight and easily compacts for travel

Item Details:

  • Dimensions: 24″ x 18″ x 24″
  • Color: Striped

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Additional information

Weight 19 lbs
Dimensions 25 × 20 × 6 in