Hueter Toledo Fireplug Storage Container Red 13″ x 14″ x 24″

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It’s the container that’s convenient, colorful, and conversational. The top of the Fireplug works as a lid to cover the container. Holds up to 24 cans of beer or soft drinks or 3 dozen apples or oranges. It’s a full size replica of a real fireplug. Beautifully made of red polyethylene plastic with color molded in. Nothing to break, fade, rust or rot. Top snaps shut and holds tightly. 24 inches tall.


  • Novel Fireplug all-purpose container
  • Stores pet food, pet toys, etc.
  • 9″ at the base
  • Durable bright red polyethylene plastic
  • Full size replica of a real fireplug

Item Details:

  • Dimensions: 13″ x 14″ x 24″
  • Color: Red

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Additional information

Weight 19 lbs
Dimensions 21 × 12 × 12 in