Freedom Pet Supply VB Collection Heavy Duty 1″ Polypropylene Dog Leash (Sun-drop Yellow, 40)

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Heavyweight polypropylene is our most popular webbing for outdoor use. It has excellent UV protection, low stretch, and does not absorb water quickly giving it a better resistance to mildew and rot. Heavyweight Polypropylene facts: Thickness of 0.060 of an inch. Breaking strength of 900 pounds. Melting point of 330 degrees Fahrenheit
Key Features:
Heavyweight Polypropylene Better than Nylon in and Around Water!
Excellent UV protection, low stretch, and does not absorb water quickly giving it a better resistance to mildew and rot.
Breaking strength of webbing 900 pounds.
One Year Warranty
Large 12 Inch Handle Loop
Product UPC:
Manufacturer Warranty:
One Year

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Weight 3 lbs