Freedom Pet Supply Aerial Run Tangle Less Double (2) Dog Lead Line FDR-DD15 (Heavy Duty Fits all FDR-XXXHD Kits)

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Freedom Pet Supply Give your dogs the freedom to play together. Tangle Less Double Dog Lead Line FDR-DD15SD The two lead lines are both 15 feet in length. Will work with all freedom pet supply aerial Dog runs but recommended for use with standard Freedom Pet Supply Aerial dog runs and medium dogs. If you need this item for big dogs, check our other items for the FDR-DD15HD Pulley can be disassembled to install on the main cable without the need to uninstall main cable. Use under adult supervision. Fits all Standard Kits. FDR-75 FDR-100 FDR-120 FDR-150 FDR-200 Fits all Heavy Duty Kits. FDR-75HD FDR-100HD FDR-120HD FDR-150HD FDR-200HD
Key Features:
Two dogs on one overhead cable.
Tangle Free
The two lead lines are both 15 feet in length.
Give your dogs the freedom roam and play together.

Product UPC:
Manufacturer Warranty:
One Year

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Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 4 in