Freedom Aerial Dog Runs Installation Hardware Zinc Mounting Ring with Masonry Sleeve Anchors SHD

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Freedom Aerial Dog Runs Super Heavy Duty mounting ring and bracket with masonry sleeve anchors for BIG dogs ranging in weight between 65 and 150 pounds. Overhead cable attachment hardware consisting of a D-ring with mounting bracket and two masonry sleeve anchors. Sleeve anchors are recommended for use in lightweight mansonry such as block or brick. Use 1/2″ carbide tipped hammer drill bits made in accordance with ANSI B212.15-1994 to make pilot holes. This is one component (Attachment Mount) of four total necessary to build a complete aerial dog run. The other three components are the overhead cable, the lead line and the attachment mounting hardware for the second installation point. D-ring with mounting bracket requires two 1/2″ holes to be drilled to enable installation. Anchor minimum embedment 1-1/2″. Made with zinc plated steel offering moderate rust and corrosion prevention.

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Weight 0.81 lbs
Dimensions 4.5 × 1.5 × 0.5 in