Freedom Aerial Dog Runs for Two Tree Applications 200 FT Aerial Cable 15 FT Lead Line SLD

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Freedom Aerial Dog Runs are a great alternative to expensive fencing and can be installed between any two stationary wooden objects (ex. two trees). We carry a complete line of Freedom Aerial Dog Runs in five different strengths to fit a wide range of pets comfortably. The Super Light Duty strength kits for dogs between 1 and 4 pounds are tailored for Toy size dogs. Choose an overhead cable length from the available options that is equal to or greater than the distance between the two objects that the overhead cable will be installed between. The lead line attaches to the pulley and the dog’s collar and travels along the overhead cable allowing the dog to run back and forth and side to side. When choosing lead line length, consider obstructions in the area to prevent entanglement and your expected overhead cable height (7.5 ft manufacturer recommendation). Select a lead line length from the available options. Everything necessary to install the aerial dog run is included as well as easy to understand installation instructions. All kits include the following components: Overhead Cable with Slack Adjuster (Choose Length); Cable Lead Line (Choose Length); Two Lag Screw Eyes; Overhead Cable Termination Hardware; Pulley; Travel Limiting Stops; Installation Instructions.

Currently Selected Options:

Size: Super Light Duty (1-4 lbs)

Overhead Cable Length: 200 ft

Lead Line Length: 15 ft

Total roaming area with currently selected options and overhead cable height of 7.5 ft: [4720 SQ FT]

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Additional information

Weight 11 lbs
Dimensions 16 × 12 × 4 in