Dogtra Dual System 1.5 Mile Dog Remote Trainer Expandable

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Geared towards professionals, the unique and essential features are intended to elevate your training regimen: 1.5-mile range (he range may reduce depending on the surroundings), Stimulation Level Lock, single-button Nick/Constant stimulation, HPP vibration, audible tone, 8-level Selector Dial, and expandable DUAL DIAL for independent 2-dog control. The expandable DUAL DIAL transmitter of the 3500X comes with a dimmable OLED screen and two sets of the Selector Dial and buttons dedicated to each collar, which allows seamless and effective operation of the collars without switching levels back and forth. The 3500X features make it an ideal tool for elevating hunting/competition performance or training tactical K-9 operation.

System includes: DUAL DIAL Transmitter, Receiver, Battery Charger and Splitter Cable, Test Light, Antenna Hinge, Washer and Owner’s Manual.


  • Collar is 1 x 30 inches
  • 1.5 mile range
  • Fully IPX9K waterproof certified receiver to withstand extreme training conditions
  • 8 stimulation levels with Selector Dial for quick intuitive control
  • Nick/Constance stimulation and HPP (high performance pager) vibration
  • For dogs up to 35 lbs
  • 2 hour rapid charge lithium polymer batteries

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Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 11 × 5 in