Dogtra 3/4 Mile Dog Remote Trainer

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The 1900S features a 3/4-mile range that allows you to cover more distance when training demands it and 2-hour rapid charge batteries to get you up and running in the shortest amount of time possible. The set is fully waterproof and the LCD on the handheld transmitter displays the battery life and stimulation level. The 1900S is a high powered unit and includes a non-stimulating High Performance Pager. The 1900S is also available in the 2-dog system 1902S.

Features include: water excelling enhanced contact points, ‘Nick’ and ‘Constant’ stimulation, low/high stimulation, fully waterproof, LCD screen, belt clip, and 2-hour rapid charge batteries.

Package Contents: Transmitter, Receiver (5/8″contact points, which are standard), Battery charger and splitter cable, Test light, Owner’s manual, Gear Bag, Black lanyard, and Belt clip #4.


  • Slim design receiver/collar ergonomically shaped to your dog’s neck
  • Checkered grips on the handheld transmitter
  • Non-stimulating high performance pager
  • 3/4 – mile range
  • Rheostat/volume style with stimulation levels 0-127

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Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 11 × 5 in