D.T. Systems Micro-iDT Remote Dog Trainer Black

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The Compact, Lightweight Micro-iDT Training Collar! The rugged micro-sized collar unit and transmitter fit in the palm of your hand. The comfortable waterproof collar fits small to large dogs. The Micro-iDT Series represent the absolute latest technological advancement in the Electronic Dog Training World. It offers Maxx-Range, the industry’s only internal FM radio frequency antenna woven in the collar. With up to a 900 yard range, they are perfect for field or household use. The Micro-iDT Series collars feature Sixteen levels of stimulation intensity, with an easy ‘no look’ clicking stimulation dial. Easy one hand held operation allows for maximum control and safety.


  • 900 Yard Range
  • Supports up to 4 dogs (Add-On collars sold separately
  • 16 Levels of Intensity adjusted from the Transmitter
  • Positive vibration available
  • Rechargeable Ni-MH battery system in the collar

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Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 11 × 5 in