Broncobuster Adjustable 31″-48″ Nylon Horse Cross Ties (2) with Hitching Rings (Ice Blue)

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Broncobuster cross ties are available in 14 colors. Sold as a pair (2). Bundled with two (2) hitching rings for easy mounting into any solid wood. Constructed with one inch wide durable nylon webbing. Heavy duty nickel plated panic snap at one end and heavy duty nickel plated bolt snap at the other. Choose one of the four neon colors for high visibility applications (Screamin’ Yellow, Electric’ Green, Flamin’ Orange, Hot Pink). These cross ties are easily adjustable.
Key Features:
1″ Heavy Nylon Cross Tie Set of Two
Two (2) Hitching Rings with Screws Included
Easily Adjustable
Quick Release Panic Snap
Broncobuster Quality Made in USA
Product UPC:
Manufacturer Warranty:
One Year

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Weight 5 lbs