Bergan Stack-N-Stor 100 Pet Food Storage Unit Large Gray / Blue 15.25” x 20.75” x 20.5”

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Looking for a great storage unit? Bergan’s Stack-N-Stor’s can handle the job! Multi-use stackable storage units are great for storing and organizing not only pet food, but any other material, as well. The Stack-N-Stor units are a sleek and compact alternative with the ability to be stacked confidently on top of each other. Each unit accepts a lock to help keep loved (and un-loved) critters out. This product comes in three different sizes to suit your storage needs.+AX16BA23AX14:BA44AX15:BA44


  • Stores 72-79 lbs of food
  • Multi-use stackable storage unit
  • Not airtight
  • BPA Free/FDA compliant material

Item Details:

  • Size: Large
  • Dimensions: 15.25” x 20.75” x 20.5”
  • Color: Gray / Blue

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Additional information

Weight 41 lbs
Dimensions 21 × 20.5 × 15.5 in