Beast Master Polypropylene Adjustable Dog Leash FPS-BM-510 (Firehouse Red)

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Beast-Master leashes are strong and and will outlast the competition. Easily adjust between five and ten feet for the perfect fit for your dog. Heavyweight polypropylene is our most popular webbing for outdoor use. It has excellent UV protection, low stretch, and does not absorb water quickly giving it a better resistance to mildew and rot. Heavyweight Polypropylene facts: Thickness of 0.060 of an inch. Breaking strength of 900 pounds. Melting point of 330 degrees Fahrenheit.
Key Features:
Easily adjust between 5 and 10 feet.
Heavyweight Polypropylene Better than Nylon in and Around Water!
Breaking strength of webbing 900 pounds.
One Year Warranty
Hand made in the U.S.A.
Product UPC:
Manufacturer Warranty:
One Year

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Weight 1 lbs