Beast-Master Double Dog Tangle-less Leash BM-PP-DDTL15 (Woodland Camouflage)

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Our new Beast-Master tangle-less double dog leash. Can be used as a stand alone double dog leash or can be connected to any other leash as an extension. For two dogs up to 65 pounds combined weight. Measures 50" long. There is a d-ring at the base of the handle to attach a longer leash.
Key Features:
Heavyweight Polypropylene Better than Nylon in and Around Water!
Excellent UV protection, low stretch, and does not absorb water quickly giving it a better resistance to mildew and rot.
Can be used as leash or can be connected to another leash as an extension.
Walk your dogs together. Tangle-less system.
Medium dogs (One Year Warranty)
Product UPC:
Manufacturer Warranty:
One Year

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Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 2 in