Adjustable Aerial Bird Feeder Line 30 Foot Length (Red)

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Adjustable Aerial Bird Feeder Line is easy to install and use. Allows multiple bird feeders, houses and more to be hung from our weather resistant adjustable line for recreational bird watching. Our Aerial bird line is made from heavy duty polypropylene webbing sustainable in all outdoor conditions with snap hook located at each end and shipped with two (2) lag screws for an easy installment at the location of your choice. After installation, simply hang feeders from our line and sit back and enjoy nature's beauty in all forms..
Key Features:
Adjustable Aerial Bird Feeder Line
Premium Quality
Lifetime Warranty/ Made in the U.S.A.
Aerial bird line will be shipped with two (2) lag screws for an easy installment at the location of your choice.
Sit back and enjoy nature’s beauty in all forms..
Product UPC:
Manufacturer Warranty:
One Year

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