Midwest Critterville Arcade Hamster Home Clear, Green, Blue 18.11″ x 11.61″ x 21.26″

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Midwest’s small animal habitats, cages, exercise pens, and accessories all bear the stamp of MidWest’s innovative design, engineering, and manufacturing, too. In this case, the desire to find innovative solutions drove Midwest to spend a great deal of time with expert instructors to learn as much as possible about small animal behavior and needs. The result? The industry’s best-selling small animal products. Children and adults alike love watching their hamster zip from level to level and exercising on the wheel at night. Hamsters love the circular cubby which is the perfect space for daytime napping.


  • Vertical PlaySpace with a clear, removable cover for visibility
  • Easy access to pet
  • Easy cleaning

Item Details:

  • Dimensions: 18.11″ x 11.61″ x 21.26″
  • Color: Clear, Green, Blue

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Additional information

Weight 8 lbs
Dimensions 18.11 × 11.42 × 5.9 in