Dogtra iQ No Bark Collar Orange

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Dogtra’s dog friendly features include a learning vibration system that vibrates before any correction, which means a fast learning curve with less stimulation. The conductive plastic contact points are less intrusive on your dog’s skin, and are attached to a reduced size receiver, made to fit dogs of a variety of sizes. Dogtra’s contact points are made of a conductive plastic and shaped ergonomically to your dog’s skin. The only alternative for sensitive skin or for dogs allergic to steel contacts.

The iQ’s Detachable Collar Strap makes cleaning and customizing a breeze. Dogtra’s straps are made of a high quality plastic that is durable with just the right amount of flex. Ergonomic conductive plastic contact points designed to fit small to large dogs. Rinsing or submerging the iQ No Bark Collar under water with some mild soap is not a problem since the collar strap and the receiver unit is fully waterproof. The iQ Learning Vibration System gives a vibration warning before any correction, making it an effective bark deterrent with less stimulation used over time.


  • Bark recognition sensor
  • Replaceable coin lithium batteries included (2)
  • 10 levels of stimulation
  • Non-stimulating vibration mode
  • Collar weights: 3.7 ounces

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Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 9 × 4 in