Dogtra Training and Beeper 1 Mile 2 Dog Remote Trainer

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The 2700T&B gives you the ability to track your dog with three beeper modes: Point-Only, Run/Point, and Locate. Equipped with the new Accelerometer sensor, the 2700T&B gives you the enhanced ability to accurately track, detect, and monitor your dog. The 2700T&B comes with 127 Nick/Constant stimulation levels for accurate control, the new HPP (High Performance Pager) vibration system, and Enhanced Contact Points. Adjustable High/Low Tone Beeper (1-Dog Unit Only). The 2700T&B also offers a unique single-body, downward facing beeper horn that is built into the receiver to eliminate the bulkiness and risk of catching on obstacles, like fences, when in the field. For Dogs as Small as 35 lbs.

Package contents: Transmitter, 2 Receivers, Battery Charge and Splitter Cable, Test Light, Belt Clip, and Owner’s Manual.


  • 1-Mile Range
  • Rheostat/Volume Dial with Stimulation Levels 0-127
  • 2-Hour Rapid Charge Batteries
  • Nick, Constant, and High Performance Pager Vibration
  • Beeper Modes Run & Point, Point Only, and Locate
  • Combination Receiver Beeper Horn
  • Fully Waterproof

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Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 11 × 5 in